Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Final Tally

The best thing about spring is seeing all the signs of the new life that is beginning to appear at this time of year.

Seeing the grass sprouting up through the cold ground, the new blossoms on the trees, the soft sounds of the wind, the chirping of the birds, the warmth of the sunshine—I could almost burst out into song! (You should be thankful there is no sound) :)

One of the greatest things about living on the farm is being able to see our calves being born. Unfortunately, three of our heifers did not calf this spring so we are down from what we had expected. The birthing season has ended and we only have nine calves.

Although it was not the number we were expecting, we had a successful season. A couple of our calves were born during the frigid weather when winter would not turn loose of spring, and at times we wondered if they were going to make it. Seeing a brand new, wet, cold, shaking baby calf fall to the ground of a snow covered field is at times unsettling. However, the fortitude those babies have are nothing less than miraculous! It doesn’t take them long to nuzzle up to mamma and warm their little bodies.

Often the baby calves huddle together when laying out in the field. I tried to sneak up on them to take a picture, but they were too quick for me. As soon as they saw me coming they started getting up.

Oh well, I'll get a closer picture next time. Once it gets a little hotter,
they won't be so quick to jump up.

HomeScan NCP

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